New innovative treatment of low back pain & frozen shoulder
With a new innovative way to look at the body, based on the latest research, the Swedish Med-Tech company Atlasbalans are getting attention in Helsinki, Berlin, London & Frankfurt.
With a new innovative way to look at the body, based on the latest research, the Swedish Med-Tech company Atlasbalans are getting attention in Helsinki, Berlin, London & Frankfurt.
Atlasbalans has received the international Good Design Award for both the new M1 and M2 Products. Founded in Chicago in 1950, Good Design remains the oldest and the world’s most recognized program for design excellence worldwide.
A research study published in 2019 shows that this type of treatment could be a good solution for patients suffering from Frozen Shoulder.
On May 25th, 2018, Helsinki was the center of the world in terms of manual therapy. As open-minded and innovative wellness providers from all over the world gather at the Embassy of Sweden.
Fascia research has sparked a wildfire of new insights that are challenging conventional belief about how the body works – and the latest insights are presented at the 2018 Fascia Research Congress in Berlin.
Seminarium om ryggvärk, ny forskning, bindväv och inflammation med Dr. Heike Jäger från Fascia Research Center i Ulm, Tyskland, Professor Karl E Arfors, hedersdoktor vid Uppsala Universitet och Hans Bohlin, innovatör och fascia-expert
The UK Launch of Swedish Fascia Vibes by Atlasbalans was held in London on May 10-11th. “Very professional” states Linda Underwood who after the event decided to become one of the first British therapists working with this new Fascia Treatment.
Swedish Fascia treatment devices are now used as pain relief during childbirth by midwife Cayenne Ekjordh. “One mother went from panic to falling asleep in 10 minutes.”
Hans Bohlin is a successful economist who retrained himself as a therapist and expert in fascia and also became an entrepreneur and innovator when searching for a gentle type of treatment to increase mobility and agility.
World’s most prestigious design award to Swedish developed treatment tool.
With a new innovative way to look at the body, based on the latest research, the Swedish Med-Tech company Atlasbalans are getting attention in Helsinki, Berlin, London & Frankfurt.
Intervju med Hans Bohlin, VD efter att Atlasbalans blivit månadens medlem i Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren.
It doesn’t matter how experienced you are as a therapists – the latest Fascia research provides a completely new perspective on the body.
Innovative treatment of low back pain & frozen shoulder double winner of one of the worlds most prestigious design awards.
A research study published in 2019 shows that this type of treatment could be a good solution for patients suffering from Frozen Shoulder.
The Swedish Fascia Vibes treatment may appear gentle – but during treatment there is a lot that is happening in the body. Learn more about how the machine increases the fluid flow in the tissue and turns of pain receptors.
Research about fascia, treatment of horses and incredible results. The full story of Atlasbalans and the development of Swedish Fascia Vibes
Hans Bohlin is a successful economist who retrained himself as a therapist and expert in fascia and also became an entrepreneur and innovator when searching for a gentle type of treatment to increase mobility and agility.
Lotta Tellner has been working with Swedish Fascia Vibes since 2014. At the UK Launch in May 2019 she gave an interview about how it is to work with the machine and how she by treating fascia can help people with for example low back pain, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder and muscle tensions.
Swedish Fascia treatment devices are now used as pain relief during childbirth by midwife Cayenne Ekjordh. “One mother went from panic to falling asleep in 10 minutes.”
Yesterday Lotta Orrholm tried Fascia Vibes for the first time at Global Champions Tour in Stockholm. She came with a Frozen Shoulder and left six minutes later with full mobility.
The UK Launch of Swedish Fascia Vibes by Atlasbalans was held in London on May 10-11th. “Very professional” states Linda Underwood who after the event decided to become one of the first British therapists working with this new Fascia Treatment.
Atlasbalans has received the international Good Design Award for both the new M1 and M2 Products. Founded in Chicago in 1950, Good Design remains the oldest and the world’s most recognized program for design excellence worldwide.
Fascia research has sparked a wildfire of new insights that are challenging conventional belief about how the body works – and the latest insights are presented at the 2018 Fascia Research Congress in Berlin.
Since 2011 we have spent countless hours, resources and energy creating a concept which helps professional therapists become even better. Because we belive that therapist is a profession for the future. Good therapists are needed and may even play a central part in changing much that is negative in the world today.
In 2017, Swedish Fascia Vibes was used on a few dozen people with Frozen shoulder which lead to improved shoulder and shoulder mobility
On May 25th, 2018, Helsinki was the center of the world in terms of manual therapy. As open-minded and innovative wellness providers from all over the world gather at the Embassy of Sweden.
Finnish physiotherapist Jarmo Ahonen talks about Fascia treatment with Atlasbalans treatment equipment, about treatment and fascia in general and how people react to the treatment.
Axel shows 9 techniques with Swedish Fascia Vibes. Atlasbalans M1 makes professional therapist even better. Reach deeper and get better result with Swedish Fascia Vibes – on shorter amount of time.
Jarmo Ahonen is one of the most renowned physiotherapists in Finland and has dedicated decades to improve treatment of fascia. He has been working with Swedish Fascia Vibes since 2013 and has had amazing results.
There is an ongoing global revolution within the anatomical research field, turning the way we view our bodies upside down and setting a new standard for how we conduct research.
Seminarium om ryggvärk, ny forskning, bindväv och inflammation med Dr. Heike Jäger från Fascia Research Center i Ulm, Tyskland, Professor Karl E Arfors, hedersdoktor vid Uppsala Universitet och Hans Bohlin, innovatör och fascia-expert
Want to know more about how it is working as a therapist and using Swedish Fascia Vibes? We asked therapist Märta Lindqvist, who has been with Atlasbalans since 2015 to share her insights and experiences.
World’s most prestigious design award to Swedish developed treatment tool.